Camera and Autoguider Setup

All cameras can be operated as autoguiders; MaxIm DL makes no distinction between them. Some cameras may not be suitable as autoguiders due to update rate or other factors.

Normally the main imaging camera is connected as Camera 1, and the guide camera is connected as Camera 2.  Their functions can however be flipped.

Understanding Drivers

All cameras operated by MaxIm DL require drivers, which are supplied by the manufacturer.  The manufacturer is entirely responsible for driver performance and technical support. 

Usually there are three levels of drivers required:

Most manufactuers provide two separate driver installers - one for the system/user level hardware drivers, and one for the software interface driver.  You will need to install both in order to operate the camera with MaxIm DL.  These drivers will typically be supplied with the camera, and updated versions may be available on the manufacturer's web site. 

Please note that the ASCOM Platform must be installed first, before installing an ASCOM driver.  The ASCOM Platform can be downloaded from


Camera-Specific Notes